
Finally, after all of these years, a landmark book that captures a comprehensive look at the life of our pro-life champion, Msgr. Philip J. Reilly!! For a donation of $100 you can request a copy be shipped to you from the Monestary of the Precious Blood in NY. Please send your request, your address, and check made payable to "The Helpers of God's Precious Infants" to 5300 Fort Hamilton Parkway, Brooklyn, NY 11219. Msgr. Reilly wants everyone to know that all proceeds go to help mothers in need!!
Who We Are
The Helpers of God's Precious Infants are a group of people committed to maintaining a loving and prayerful presence outside of the abortion mills, where God's children are put to death. We unite ourselves with these victims in solidarity with their pain, as they are put to death at this modern day Calvary. We pray in reparation for the injustice being performed on their tiny bodies. Just as Mary and John lovingly stood and prayed beneath Jesus' Cross as he died, we wish to remain with these children in the hour that they we crucified.